Host Family

You might like to host students through homestay programs if your house is near schools.  Your family could learn different culture from around the world through communication with international students or scholars.

The best of all, you earn extra income that might help to pay housing costs like mortgages, tax, insurance, and utilities.

Contact school or agency to be put on the list and wait for right students coming!

Being a host family is much easier for a family with school-age kids or retired seniors.

The guest students might change your view of the world and enrich your life!

If you are interested in joining our pool of host families, please fill in the form below!  We will contact you when we have a guest coming.

To text you if email bounced
Where a guest student will stay when school in session.
Within your reasonable driving distance
The minimum age you're able to handle
List 1. the most common speak 2. the less common 3. hardly speak
When could you host with a room available?
Anything not listed above






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